At the beginning of this year, Aina and I were filled with big dreams and plans for our loungewear brand. We were aiming to launch by April, and if things went as planned, to have our second batch released by August. But alas, our plans (as well as the rest of the world's) got derailed no thanks to Covid-19. The Debut collection finally made its debut at the end of August and we're thankful that it's gotten to us to where we are.

Over the past several months, we focused on the silver lining of what the year has offered. As the world slowly but surely gets back on its feet, normal is looking quite a bit different than what normal looked like a year ago. For a vast majority, the new norm no longer involves being in close proximity with others and involves working from home. Which means that getting dressed and ready for the day also looks different than life B.C. (before Covid). 

Not assuming that we speak for everyone but it feels like we're getting our groove back and settling into a new norm rather comfortably. These days though, getting comfortable doesn't have to mean sweatpants and ripped old shirts. Each piece in LULLA's Debut Collection was designed to offer the wearer comfort and confidence. So whether you need to power through a Zoom meeting with the team or busy shuttling the kids to Mandarin/ gymnastics/ swimming/ tennis/ taekwondo classes to preparing dinner and evening wind downs, you can remain comfortable and confident. 

We hope you love the collection as much as we do, and please let us know what you think - we'd love to hear from you!


